Happy fifth month my Milkchocolatezxc, Jooooooovi Khoo [;
You might be wondering why a p5 and p4 can be such great friends. But yeah, me and my milkchocolatezxc are the bestest of friends<33
Too think that i never met with her earlier D: pity pity.
This is how we met :D *Flash Back!!*
Jovi added me in fb [; i accepted. she talked to me we talked in msn (L) it became a daily routine.
Our relationship lengthen and we became milkchocolatezxc~
I never regretted having her as my Milkchocolatezxc.
Anyway, Science paper was bloody hard lah D: crappish man, i got serious headache just now.
chged back to original seat :D was so friggin happy, i was like " omg, im so despo for a seat change now." seating beside Elizabeth was torture, i tell you. TORTURE.
Finally get to sit beside Woman(L) i told Beverly i was so depso for seat chg, then she was like
"Dw sit with me ah?"
the i pointed at elizabeth, then she like " orhhhh."
then she ask " but you still want to sit with me right?" *smiles widely.*
I nodded (:
Passed note with Cherisa [; Miss kang came in and since we were passing note i drew a picture of miss kang, cherisa was laughing her guts out ><
she also drew a picture of me, its damn fcute lahh!!
oh yeah, my voice is like gone D: gone gone gone!
mrs foo encouraged us to zhi yan zhi yu, so i tried :D i v. guai right, but i cant talk -.-
i was like "Cher....Cher...Cherisa!" but my voice was like breaking.... so she cant hear me -.-
so skipped math olympiad, bloody head ache lah -.- everytime exam sick -.- so Mindy followed me home, took bus 65 and yeah... routine i guess.
talking to Oh-so-kind Jovi.
Tsk tsk, vulgar Jovi >< Texted her just nw [;
And guess what? :D Cherisa is going to help me do my art! Yay!!
she helped me buy the art materials (: we're going to do the same thing , Yayy (: !!
and i notice i haven pass up my clay thingy ><>
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