Hello :)
Currently in school blogging
Gonna blog about my kukup trip :)
Woke up at 7+? then went over to dover, board the bus around 9.30, suppose to reach at 9 le lor -.-
The bus trip was a total torture, the bus took us 4 hours to just from Dover to malaysia custom
killer man --' 4 hours JUST to reach to malaysia custom,lol.
FINALLY, we reached the custom, damn freaking crowded and warm.
Felt like dying on tht moment.
So went back to the bus, had another one and a half hour bus ride -.- sian max.
during the journey our bus kana bang,LOL. had me startled. whole mirror behind broke into tiny pieces, so not allowed to sit behind :(
Sigh, then finally reached the dock.
took a 'boat' to kukup, awesome sea breeze :)!
So settled down at the chalet, our's the nicest, keke!! :D
had karaoke room and loads and loads of beds, major cool!
Wanted to immediately sing karaoke, but had to eat late late lunch.
Was super super nice~
Mainly seafood though, whahahaa. after eating, karaoke-ed. :)
Was karaoke-ing half way then the adults said have to go out walk walk -.- major zzz.
So just walked around and stuff,
came across some shops, tht sold like those junk food and stuff.
Saw a CD shop, saw 'Naruto', so i went to flip to see got bleach anot :P
Super shocked to be honest, nvr thought there wld be bleach there :X
So went to the shop to buy some junkfood, finally managed to try magnum, LOL.
Ty Yizhang :D
Was supperrr thristy after the ice-cream, so went to buy BBT , had passionfruit greentea, super nice :)
But the flesh was disgusting, have the seed.
jiu jiu say tht was frog egg to carissa, totally spoiled my appetite.
Went back for dinner, karaoke-d before tht.
otw back, mindy was pissing me off with the 'mud' thing.
Felt like killing her.
(and she's screaming in my ear now).
thn went back for dinner and stuff.
played fireworks, I SUPER FAIL LOL. Both tries fail,LOL.
the 'stick' one quite fail also, thought tht no more thn still have so i put down in the end one fire work pop up,LOL.
then had loads and loads of fire works :D
Lesbo and me was like playing and playing, got one part we were like damn scared but still holding the camera upp:)
Thn went to bathe with Gf and stuff, MISSED THE FINALE LUH WTS.
then karaok-ed AGAIN. then played games till around 1 :)
Slept and yeah.
Woke up the latest, :P
had breakfast thn played zero ponit, im super unflexible. screw my muscles.
thn took bus backt t s'pore and stuff,
okay im lazy t continue.
Shall post some pics.
(Credits to Lesbo and GF).

For the rest of the pictures go to